The Kingdom of the Hittites (Hardback)
  • The Kingdom of the Hittites (Hardback)

The Kingdom of the Hittites (Hardback)

Hardback 576 Pages
Published: 27/10/2005
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In the 14th century BC the Hittites became the supreme political and military power in the Near East. How did they achieve their supremacy? How successful were they in maintaining it? What brought about their collapse and disappearance? This comprehensive history of the Hittite kingdom seeks to answer these questions. It takes account of important recent advances in Hittite scholarship, including some major archaeological discoveries made in the last few years. It also features numerous translations from the original texts, so that on many issues the ancient Hittites are given the opportunity to speak to the modern reader for themselves. The revised edition contains a substantial amount of new material, as well as numerous other revisions to the first edition.

Publisher: Oxford University Press
ISBN: 9780199279081
Number of pages: 576
Weight: 958 g
Dimensions: 223 x 145 x 35 mm


...the standard treatment in English of the history of the Hittites...clear enough to be read with interest and profit by anyone interested in Ancient History but also written with the care and respect for varying opinions that any specialist might demand...I would urge all to read a fine example of work from a specialist who can write in a clear and interesting way. - Noel Weeks Ancient History: Resources for Teachers

substantial and compehensive ... This is a serious work of scholarship and fundamental to study of the Hittites; its updating can only be welcomed. - Christopher Burnand and Katherine Clarke, Greece and Rome

the standard comprehensive description of Hittite political history in English...provides a well-informed and very balanced picture of current research...highly readable - Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies, Volume 70/1 indispensable handbook for Hittite history...this reviewer heartily recommends the revised edition of the Kingdom of the Hittites. By incorporating and discussing a vast corpus of new material, Bryce has provided the field with a useful and up-to-date tool, while the book has lost none of its original quality and it still reads like a captivating novel. - Bibliotheca Orientalis

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