Tuesday 23rd May 2017
19:00 - 20:30 at
Waterstones, London - Piccadilly
Waterstones Piccadilly is delighted to welcome the one and only Vyacheslav Ivanovich 'Slava' Polunin for a very special event.
This legendary performance artist and clown is renowned for his spectacular stage spectacles, such as the sell-out 'Slava’s Snowshow.
Born in 1950 in Oblast, Russia, Polunin was successful in his school theatre, imitating Charlie Chaplin, but was refused entry to the Leningrad Theatre Institute due to poor pronunciation.
After a few years' study at an engineering school, he graduated from the Leningrad Institute for Soviet Culture, where he later taught.
As well as a highly successful stage and performance career, he is responsible for championing many worthy cultural and charitable causes as well as several festivals and parades. Of particular note, in 1982, in Leningrad, he organised a mime parade in which more than 800 mime artists from the Soviet Union took part. It was an unheard of event featuring semi-underground artists at a time of strict Communist control of all artistic events.
All are welcome for what promises to be a wonderful evening with Slava discussing his fascinating life and presenting his gorgeous book, Alchemy of Snowness. The book traces Slava’s artistic journey and exhilarating exploration in his creation of a show that would bring us back to our childhood dreams, a show which would help spectators be released from the jail of adulthood and rediscover their forgotten childhood.
With twenty-seven stunning illustrations throughout by artist Quint Buchholz punctuating Slava's poetic storytelling, this book is a must-read for anyone intrigued by the creative process and for those longing for a little magic in their lives.
Tickets cost £10 and are redeemable against a copy of the book on the evening. Tickets are available online, in store or by contacting 02078512400. Any questions or queries please email: [email protected].
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