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'This Is Who I Am' Book Tour

Friday 10th June 2016
18:30 at Waterstones, Manchester - Deansgate

'This Is Who I Am' Book Tour 'This Is Who I Am' Book Tour

We are over the moon to be welcoming some amazing YA authors to Deansgate, for a very special event!

Harriet Reuter Hapgood (The Square Root of Summer), Leila Sales (This Song Will Save Your Life, Tonight the Streets are Ours), Melinda Salisbury (The Sin-Eater's Daughter series), and Sara Barnard (Beautiful Broken Things) will be joining us to chat about their books, answer your questions, and meet you all!

We cannot wait for all of these wonderful authors to descend upon the store - get your tickets, quick!

Further details: 0161 837 3000

Manchester - Deansgate Waterstones, Manchester - Deansgate
Friday 10th June 2016

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Terms & Conditions

Please note that events can occasionally be cancelled at short notice or their times or dates may alter; we therefore recommend that you check with the shop before travelling.
If you are unable to attend an event we can often reserve signed copies. Please contact the host shop for details. Reserved copies cannot be guaranteed and may not always carry dedications.
All signings (unless otherwise stated) operate on a first come first served basis, so early arrival is often recommended.