The Blake Society presents - Joy: On Catherine Blake with Sasha Dugdale
Wednesday 12th September 2018
18:30 - 20:30 at
Waterstones, London - Gower Street
Sasha Dugdale is a poet, translator and editor. She has published four collections of poetry, most recently Joy (Carcanet, 2017) which was a Poetry Book Society Choice. Joy’s title poem was recipient of the Forward Prize for Best Single Poem in 2016. In the same year Sasha Dugdale received a Cholmondeley Award for her poetry. She has translated many Russian contemporary women poets and was editor of Modern Poetry in Translation 2012-2017. She lives and works in Sussex.
Tickets are £6 each for members & students or £8 each for non-members and include a complimentary glass of juice or wine.
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