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New Voices in MG fiction with Jess Butterworth, Sarah Driver, Kiran Millwood Hardgrave, Amy Wilson and Christopher Edge

Wednesday 7th June 2017
19:00 - 20:30 at Waterstones, London - Piccadilly

New Voices in MG fiction with Jess Butterworth, Sarah Driver, Kiran Millwood Hardgrave, Amy Wilson and Christopher Edge New Voices in MG fiction with Jess Butterworth, Sarah Driver, Kiran Millwood Hardgrave, Amy Wilson and Christopher Edge

Join us for an exciting evening as we showcase some of the hottest emerging talent in children's middle grade fiction. Joining us on the night will be:

Jess Butterworth whose debut Running on the Roof of the World is released in June. Jess spent her childhood between the UK and India, and grew up hearing stories about the Himalayas from her grandmother. She's lived in India and even met with the Dalai Lama.

Sarah Driver's debut book Sea (part of the Huntress trilogy) was a Waterstones children's Book of the Month upon its release. Sarah grew up by the sea in Sussex and has been making up stories for as long as she can remember.

Kiran Millwood Hargraves debut The Girl of Ink and Stars won the Waterstones Children's Book Prize in both it's catagories and was crowned the overall winner. Kiran was born in Surrey and her earliest ambition was to be a cat, closely followed by a cat-owner or the first woman on Mars. 

Amy Wilson has a background in journalism and lives in Bristol with her young family. She is a graduate of the Bath Spa MA in Creative Writing and has many owls in her house, from drawer handles to cushions. She is still waiting for them to speak to her. Her debut A Girl Called Owl was released in January.

Christopher Edge grew up in Manchester where he spent most of his childhood in the local library dreaming up stories. He latest book The Jamie Drake Equation was released in March. 

Tickets for this event cost £5/£3 with a Waterstones Card and include a glass of wine/soft drink. Tickets are available in store, online, and by phone. Any questions or queries please do get in touch. 

Further details: 02078512400

London - Piccadilly Waterstones, London - Piccadilly
Wednesday 7th June 2017
19:00 - 20:30

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