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Mancunians: An evening with David Scott

Thursday 27th April 2023
18:30 - 20:30 at Waterstones, Manchester - Deansgate

Mancunians: An evening with David Scott

Manc author, poet, musician and BBC presenter David Scott joins us to discuss his fantastic book Mancuninans: Where Do We Start, Where Do I Begin?

Mancunians is the story of those who didn’t fit the typecast: the musicians of colour, the football fans alienated by rampant commercialism, the northeners who didn’t wear parkas, the drinkers, dealers, street sweepers, and a young author trying to negotiate his way amongst the chaos.

Through a mixture of memoir and interviews with well-known Mancunians such as Guy Garvey, Tunde Babalola, Sylvia Tella, Badly Drawn Boy and Stan Chow, combined with the unheard voices of the population, David Scott portrays the city in a way never seen before.

Joined in conversation by Jay Motty, Scott will be dicussing this long lost chapter in the modern history of Manchester, answering audience questions and signing copies of his book.

Manchester - Deansgate Waterstones, Manchester - Deansgate
Thursday 27th April 2023
18:30 - 20:30

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