
Magical Worlds: An Evening With Fantasy Writers John Gwynne, Bradley Beaulieu, Ed McDonald and Adrian Selby

Friday 6th April 2018
19:30 at Waterstones, Brighton

Magical Worlds: An Evening With Fantasy Writers John Gwynne, Bradley Beaulieu, Ed McDonald and Adrian Selby

Join Waterstones Brighton as we welcome four fantastic fantasy authors – Bradley Beaulieu, Ed McDonald, John Gwynne and Adrian Selby - to the stage to talk dangerous weapons, dark magic systems and how to write your book and get published. The event will feature a talk from the authors, questions from the audience and then there will be an opportunity to get books signed.

John Gwynne is the author of THE FAITHFUL AND THE FALLEN series, and most recently, A TIME OF DREAD. He was born in Singapore while his father was stationed there in the RAF. He lives with my wife and four wonderful (and demanding) children in East Sussex. He always told his children stories at bed-time, and they pestered long and hard for him to write them down. That's how THE BANISHED LANDS and MALICE began, though along the way it became more than just a hobby. He’s still in shock that they are actually real books, rather than just pages on his desk. 

Bradley Beaulieuis the acclaimed author of THE WINDS OF KHALAKOVO trilogy, and now A VEIL OF SPEARS, the most recent book in THE SONG OF THE SHATTERED SANDS series. He has been singled out as a writer to watch, having honed his craft working with high profile authors including Holly Black, Tim Powers and Nancy Kress. He lives in the US and is touring the UK at the start of April.


Ed McDonald has spent many years dancing between different professions, cities and countries, but the only thing any of them share in common is that they have allowed him enough free time to write. He currently in London, a city that provides him with constant inspiration, where he works as a university lecturer. When he's not grading essays or wrangling with misbehaving plot lines he can usually be found fencing with longswords, rapiers and pollaxes. His first fantasy novel, BLACKWING, has been hailed as one of the best books of the year.


Adrian Selby studied creative writing at university before embarking on a career in video game production. He is a Tolkien fanatic and an online gaming addict, and lives with his wife and family on the south coast of England. His debut novel SNAKEWOOD is an epic and inventive fantasy about a company of mercenaries and the assassin trying to destroy them.

Further details: 01273 206017

Brighton Waterstones, Brighton
Friday 6th April 2018

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