Thursday 17th January 2019
18:30 at
Waterstones, London - Hatchards - Piccadilly
"Brilliant." Matt Haig
"Wonderful." Hillary Clinton
"A game-changer." Davina McCall
"This amazing book will change your life." Elton John
"Brilliant for anyone wanting a better understanding of mental health." Zoe Ball
Award-winning journalist Johann Hari has struggled with depression since he was a child, and started taking anti-depressants when he was a teenager. He was told that his problems were caused by a chemical imbalance in his brain. As an adult, trained in the social sciences, he began to investigate whether this was entirely true – what he learned was that "almost everything we have been told about depression and anxiety is wrong".
Across the world, Hari found social scientists stating, with the evidence to support, that depression and anxiety are largely caused by key, ingrained problems with the way many communities live today. Hari´s journey took him from a mind-blowing series of experiments in Baltimore, to an Amish community in Indiana, to an uprising in Berlin. Once he had uncovered "nine real causes of depression and anxiety", these led him to scientists who are discovering seven very different solutions – ones that work.
Hatchards are delighted to be hosting Hari at 6:30pm on Thursday 17 January for a discussion around Johann's book: Lost Connections. For £20, you can secure a fresh, hardback copy of Lost Connections, which Johann will be signing at the end of the evening, or it's £7 for general admission.
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Please note that events can occasionally be cancelled at short notice or their times or dates may alter; we therefore recommend that you check with the shop before travelling.
If you are unable to attend an event we can often reserve signed copies. Please contact the host shop for details. Reserved copies cannot be guaranteed and may not always carry dedications.
All signings (unless otherwise stated) operate on a first come first served basis, so early arrival is often recommended.
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