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Join the U.S.S. Cerritos with Chris Farnell, author of Star Trek: Lower Decks Crew Handbook

Tuesday 27th February 2024
19:00 at Waterstones, Norwich - Castle Street

Join the U.S.S. Cerritos with Chris Farnell, author of Star Trek: Lower Decks Crew Handbook

The U.S.S Cerritos has issued a new edition of the junior officers’ Crew Handbook, so to celebrate author Chris Farnell will lead a special orientation seminar for new Cerritos crewmembers – because if there is one thing Starfleet officers love, it’s a staff meeting!

The handbook will teach a new recruit everything they need to know about their ship, their officers, and their duties. It also includes valuable information about what you can order from the replicators, what you can’t order from the Holodecks, and how to interact with a range alien species both friendly and… not so friendly.

But during this seminar, as new recruits aboard the U.S.S. Cerritos, we will tell you what they don’t put in the handbook, including the horrors of Anomaly Consolidation Duty, Away Team Survival Tactics, and the secrets of the Lower Lower Decks.

Uniform (or other Star Trek related costume) is not mandatory but is strongly encouraged and if the replicators are functional refreshments will be provided.

Tickets are £5 General Admission or £25 for admission and a copy of Star Trek Lower Decks Handbook.

About the book: Join the crew of the U.S.S. Cerritos as they seek out new life and travel where people may, or may not, have been before!
Based on the hit Paramount+ animated series Star Trek: Lower Decks, Mariner, Boimler and all their friends offer advice and insider knowledge to new crewmembers. This hilarious and informative handbook will help you come to grips with the ship, your duties, and your fellow lower deckers, especially as they’ve generously left comments throughout.
A funny and illuminating guide to life on the U.S.S. Cerritos from Star Trek: Lower Decks, through the eyes of the beloved lower deckers themselves.
Norwich - Castle Street Waterstones, Norwich - Castle Street
Tuesday 27th February 2024

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