Hilary Mantel's The Mirror And The Light
Thursday 5th March 2020
19:30 at
Waterstones, Brighton
Waterstones Brighton celebrate the most eagerly anticipated literary release of the year - the third part of Hilary Mantel's Wolf Hall trilogy The Mirror And The Light.
Join us for a unique panel discussion centering on historical fiction and the importance of Hilary Mantel's groundbreaking Wolf Hall novels on the genre as a whole. This will feature five of Brighton's most exciting fiction writers Hannah Vincent (Alarm Girl), Sally O'Reilly (Dark Aemilia), Umi Sinha (Belonging), Elizabeth Haynes (The Murder Of Harriet Monkton) and Lesley Thomson (The Playground Murders).
Your ticket for this event will include a glass of wine and a copy of The Mirror And The Lightif you take up the book and ticket option.
Further details: 01273 206017
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