Wednesday 25th October 2023
18:00 - 19:30 at
Waterstones, Cambridge
Halloween is coming, so it’s time for scary stories! We have a fantastic line-up of authors with spooky tales to chill your bones. For this year’s Halloween Horror panel, we welcome Verity Holloway, Ellis Saxey, and Ally Wilkes in conversation with author and co-director of Underhill Academy Tiffani Angus. Each author will discuss their books, what inspired them to write in the horror genre, and share creepy stories guaranteed to keep you up at night!
Book signing to follow.
Verity Holloway writes speculative fiction and historical non-fiction. Born in Gibraltar in 1986, she holds an MA in Literature from Cambridge’s Anglia Ruskin University, focusing on the poems of Dante Gabriel Rossetti. Her fiction is inspired by all things medical, historical, and religious, with a magical realist bent.
Ellis Saxey is an ungendered Londoner who works in universities. Their fiction has appeared in Daily Science Fiction, Apex Magazine, Queers Destroy Science Fiction and in anthologies. They received their DPhil in English Literature from the University of Sussex.
Ally Wilkes the Bram Stoker Award–nominated author of All the White Spaces, grew up in a succession of isolated—possibly haunted—country houses and boarding schools. After studying law at Oxford, she went on to spend eleven years as a criminal barrister. Ally now lives in Greenwich, London.
Tiffani Angus was born in Hollywood and grew up in Las Vegas. Her debut novel, the historical fantasy Threading the Labyrinth, was published by Unsung Stories and was shortlisted in for the BSFA Best Novel Award. She is Co-Director with Trip Galey of the Underhill Academy for SFF Writers. Her most recently publication, co-authored with Val Nolan, is Spec Fic for Newbies – a much-needed guide for SFF/Horror writers on how to get going, potential pitfalls, and activities to get started.
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