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Dennis C Grube in conversation with David Runciman

Friday 7th October 2022
18:00 - 19:30 at Waterstones, Cambridge

Dennis C Grube in conversation with David Runciman

Don't miss Dennis C. Grube in conversation with David Runciman about his book Why Governments Get it Wrong – a brilliant and accessible guide to the politics and pitfalls of policymaking.


Dennis C. Grube is a Professor in Politics and Public Policy at Cambridge University and Co-Director of the Bennett Institute for Public Policy where he leads the Institute’s research programme into decision-making in government. Prior to joining POLIS in September 2016, Prof Grube was Associate Professor and Principal Research Fellow with the Institute for the Study of Social Change at the University of Tasmania. In 2013 he spent six months as a Visiting Fellow at the University of Oxford and was Director of Griffith University's Master of Public Administration Program from 2010-2013. Dennis retains adjunct professorial appointments at the University of Tasmania and at Griffith University.

Why Governments Get it Wrong examines why governments so often make bad decisions when trying to solve the problems that we face; from the UK school exam fiasco during the pandemic, to the disastrous second US-led invasion of Iraq, and Canada's support for asbestos mining when it was known to be highly toxic. However, by exploring government failures, Grube also shows us that there is a way for those governing to get it right and improve all our lives in the process.
David Runciman is professor of politics at Cambridge University and the author of several books, including The Politics of Good Intentions (2006), Political Hypocrisy (2008) and The Confidence Trap (2013).
Cambridge Waterstones, Cambridge
Friday 7th October 2022
18:00 - 19:30

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