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Bunny vs Monkey Online Event with Jamie Smart

Saturday 19th February 2022
11:00 at Waterstones, Online Events

Bunny vs Monkey Online Event with Jamie Smart

Join us for a fun event with Bunny vs Monkey creator Jamie Smart as he talks about his new best-selling book, Bunny vs Monkey and the Supersonic Aye-Aye!

As well as talking about his new book, Jamie will run a live draw-along session, and you’ll also get the chance to put your questions to Jamie at the special online event. This unique and unmissable event will be chaired by Phil Earle, author of many books for children including Demolition Dad and last year’s award-winning bestseller When the Sky Falls.

Tickets £5 General Admission, or £12 including a copy of Bunny vs Monkey and the Supersonic Aye-Aye!, and booking fees and postage (UK only, books will be posted after the event).

Jamie Smart creates characters and mostly tells their adventures through comics.  Jamie has worked extensively for The Dandy, The Beano, The DFC, The Phoenix among many other publications. He worked in show development at Cartoon Network and character designed for Disney. Jamie lives in the south of England eating to many biscuits and watching far too much telly with his girlfriend and their dog Rocky. 

Phil Earle was born and raised in the north of England, and is the author of twenty acclaimed, award-winning books for children and teenagers. He has worked as a carer, a dramatherapist, a bookseller and a publisher, and loves talking at schools and festivals around the world. He lives on the side of a very steep hill with his partner, their five children and two dogs.


This event with be broadcast on Zoom, please make sure you have this installed and updated on your chosen device.

Please note that the Ticket & Book option for this event requires a UK postal address. Please do not select this option if you do not have a UK postal address as you may not receive the book.

Postage will be made after the event, so delivery is likely to be after publication date.

Waterstones, Online Events
Saturday 19th February 2022

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