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Annual Debut Authors Panel 2019

Friday 15th November 2019
19:00 - 21:00 at Waterstones, Norwich - Castle Street

Annual Debut Authors Panel 2019 Annual Debut Authors Panel 2019

It is time for our annual Début Authors Panel, to be held on Friday 15th November at 7pm! Our guests come from a range of creative disciplines and will be discussing the many challenges and successes of getting their work into print.

The event will be chaired by Professor Andrew Cowen, Professor of Creative Writing at the UEA and recipient of several literary awards, including the Betty Trask award for his Novel “Pig” and the Arts Council Writer's award for “What I Know”. He also has a novel out this year; “Your Fault”, which has received glowing praise and was described by Margaret Atwood as being “Elegant, unsparing, (a) meticulously detailed novel...”


The authors on the panel, all graduates and students of the UEA, are:

Ashley Hickson-Lovence, a poet and author of “The 392”, a novel set over 36 minutes on the bus travelling from Hoxton to Highbury as a charismatic cast of characters are brought together over their shared suspicions and fears. He completed an MA in Creative Writing and Publishing while working as an English teacher and is now working towards a PhD at the UEA.


Harriet Shawcross is an award winning journalist and film maker who completed her MA in Creative Non-Fiction at the UEA. She shares her own personal experience of mutism and explores the limits of language in “Unspeakable”, her début investigative memoir, which has received much acclaim, featuring on Radio 4's Start the Week and winning praise from across the broadsheets.

Kate Weinberg published her début crime/ thriller novel “The Truants” this year- set in a bleak, concrete bound University of East Anglia, where the narrative follows the unassuming Jess, who becomes drawn into a heady network of intense friends and dangerous secrets. Kate originally studied at Oxford then came to the UEA to complete her Creative Writing MA and has worked with words in a number of jobs, including being a slush-pile reader, a journalist and, best of all, a bookseller.

Tickets are £5 and are available online from


Norwich - Castle Street Waterstones, Norwich - Castle Street
Friday 15th November 2019
19:00 - 21:00

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