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An Unconventional History of Maidenhood, Mothering and Mistresses

Thursday 5th October 2017
19:30 - 21:00 at Waterstones, Birmingham

An Unconventional History of Maidenhood, Mothering and Mistresses An Unconventional History of Maidenhood, Mothering and Mistresses

Waterstones Birmingham would like to invite you to an evening of poetry and stories from three wonderful women.

Katy Wareham Morris will be performing poetry from her collaborative pamphlet with Ruth Stacey, Inheritance.

Ruth Stacey will be reading poems from Inheritance and her collection, Queen, Jewel, Mistress.

And Sarah James will be reading poems from her collection, Plenty-Fish and from her brand new novella, Kaleidoscope.

We hope you can join us for this evening of poetry and performance.

This is a free event but seating is limited.
To reserve a seat please call us on 0121 633 4353
Tweet us @bhamwaterstones
Email us at [email protected]
Or speak to a bookseller in store.
Birmingham Waterstones, Birmingham
Thursday 5th October 2017
19:30 - 21:00

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If you are unable to attend an event we can often reserve signed copies. Please contact the host shop for details. Reserved copies cannot be guaranteed and may not always carry dedications.
All signings (unless otherwise stated) operate on a first come first served basis, so early arrival is often recommended.