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An Evening with Erin Kelly and Sarah Vaughan: Sex, Power, & Consent in Crime Writing

Friday 6th April 2018
18:30 - 20:00 at Waterstones, Exeter - Roman Gate

An Evening with Erin Kelly and Sarah Vaughan: Sex, Power, & Consent in Crime Writing An Evening with Erin Kelly and Sarah Vaughan: Sex, Power, & Consent in Crime Writing

Join us for an evening of conversation with best-selling crime author Erin Kelly and local author Sarah Vaughan, discussing sex, power, and consent in crime writing.

Erin Kelly's latest novel He Said She Said deals with the aftermath of witnessing a sexual assault, and the impact of the truth on many lives.

Sarah Vaughan is a former Guardian journalist whose novel Anatomy of a Scandal explores the truth behind allegations that cause a scandal in Westminster.

With the #MeToo and #TimesUp movements in the public eye, a renewed sense of vigour around women's rights, the founding of The Staunch Prize (a new prize launched for the best thriller “in which no woman is beaten, stalked, sexually exploited, raped or murdered”), and in the year of the Centenary of Women's Suffrage, we are pleased to host an evening of conversation that will tackle some of these issues. Both Erin Kelly and Sarah Vaughan have written around these themes in their fantastic novels, and it promises to be a stimulating and thought-provoking evening.

CONTENT WARNING: The evening's conversation will include mention of rape and sexual abuse. There will be a safe space provided during the event for those who need to take a moment out.


Further details: 01392 423044

Exeter - Roman Gate Waterstones, Exeter - Roman Gate
Friday 6th April 2018
18:30 - 20:00

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