
An evening with Bradley Beaulieu, Stephen Aryan and Anna Stephens.

Thursday 5th April 2018
18:30 at Waterstones, Birmingham

An evening with Bradley Beaulieu, Stephen Aryan and Anna Stephens.

We are incredibly excited to invite you to an evening with three incredible Fantasy authors: Bradley Beaulieu, Stephen Aryan and Anna Stephens.

Bradley Beaulieu: A Veil Of Spears

Third in the epic new fantasy series of mystery, prophecy and death within the ancient walled city of the Twelve Kings . . .

The Night of Endless Swords nearly saw the destruction of Sharakhai, and since then the Kings have come down hard on the rebelloious Moonless Host. Hundreds have been murdered or given to the Confessor King for questioning. Hundreds more have fled. Including Çeda, who has discovered that Onur, the King of Sloth, has returned to the desert to raise an army and challenge the remaining kings.
The Moonless Host - who have taken to calling themselves the Thirteen Tribe - will be trapped between Onur's growing influence and the considerable might of the kings who, with Sharakhai firmly back under their rule, are turning their attention to the desert once more.

Anna Stephens: Godblind
There was a time when the Red Gods ruled the land. The Dark Lady and her horde dealt in death and blood and fire. 

That time has long since passed, and the neighbouring kingdoms of Mireces and Rilpor hold an uneasy truce. The only blood spilled is confined to the border, where vigilantes known as Wolves protect their kin and territory at any cost.
 But after the death of his wife, King Rastoth is plagued by grief, leaving the kingdom of Rilpor vulnerable. Vulnerable to the bloodthirsty greed of the Warrior-King Liris and the Mireces army waiting in the mountains...

Stephen Aryan: Mageborn

It's been 10 years since the Battlemage War, where thousands died as mages sundered the earth and split the sky.
 Habreel believes eradicating magic is the only way to ensure a lasting peace. He will do anything to achieve his goal, even if it means murdering every child born with the ability. As deaths involving magic increase and the seat of magical learning - the Red Tower - falls under suspicion, two students and one lawbringer must do everything they can to combat Habreel and his followers before magic disappears from the world for good.

They will be discussing their novels, the worlds they have created and how they created them. We hope you can join us.

Tickets cost £3 and can be purchased online or in store.
Birmingham Waterstones, Birmingham
Thursday 5th April 2018

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