
An Evening with Ben Aaronovitch in Conversation with Jeannette Ng!

Friday 21st February 2020
19:00 - 21:00 at Waterstones, Newcastle

An Evening with Ben Aaronovitch in Conversation with Jeannette Ng! An Evening with Ben Aaronovitch in Conversation with Jeannette Ng!

Waterstones Newcastle is delighted to welcome Ben Aaronovitch to celebrate the release of his brand new RIVERS OF LONDON novel FALSE VALUE. Ben will appear in conversation with Jeannette Ng, author of UNDER THE PENDULUM SUN, to talk fantastical worlds and magical mysteries. This will be followed by questions from the audience and both authors signing copies of their books. Book your tickets now to reserve your place.
Newcastle Waterstones, Newcastle
Friday 21st February 2020
19:00 - 21:00

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Terms & Conditions

Please note that events can occasionally be cancelled at short notice or their times or dates may alter; we therefore recommend that you check with the shop before travelling.
If you are unable to attend an event we can often reserve signed copies. Please contact the host shop for details. Reserved copies cannot be guaranteed and may not always carry dedications.
All signings (unless otherwise stated) operate on a first come first served basis, so early arrival is often recommended.