Tuesday 28th February 2017
19:00 - 20:30 at
Waterstones, London - Piccadilly
The collapse of the Soviet Union at the end of 1991 appeared to usher in a remarkable new era of peace and co-operation with the West. This, we were told, was the end of history: now the entire world would embrace enlightenment values and liberal democracy. Reality has proved very different.
Peter Conradi, author, journalist and foreign editor of The Sunday Times spent several years in Yeltsin’s Russia as foreign correspondent.
This evening, marking the publication of his insightful new book on the state of Russia today, Peter reflects on the dramatic changes of the post-Soviet decades, the leadership of Vladimir Putin and the relationship of Russia to the rest of the world in the 21st-century.
Tickets are available online, instore or by calling 02078512400. Any questions or queries please contact [email protected]
Further details: 02078512400
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