Reviews: How To Talk To A Widower (3)

Paperback edition

Very enjoyable

I was a bit unsure about this, having heard it described as 'lad-lit', but I really enjoyed it. It follws the life of a widowed man (unsurprisingly) and his somewhat disfunctional life. The characters are well drawn and I certainly connected with them. Unlike many books, the characters had shades of grey about them, not just black and white - yes you felt enormous sympathy for the main character, but at times you also wanted to slap him (then hug him!).
If you've been unsure, give it a go - it's very readable.
6th February 2018
Helpful? Upvote 63
Paperback edition

How to Talk to a Widower

Ok, ok, it's a "vacation book", but why not take a short vacation with your mind and enjoy this with your heart?It's such a sweet and funny book, I devoured it in two "vacationing" evenings. With so much trash coming out of the publishing woodwork, Tropper produced a little gem of romantic comedy of the truly enjoable kind...HOW TO TALK TO A WIDOWER is a hilarious, heartbreaking and true-to-life piece. It's so rare that a writer can seamlessly convey the fragile (and very real) balance between comedy, tragedy and the bittersweet without completely overdoing the melodrama or making it kitschy, but Tropper manages to do it successfully without even seeming to try. The novel is ultimately uplifting, but not unrealistically so. And while the undefined ending leaves more than a few questions unanswered, it only reinforces the idea that grieving --- and living --- is an unpredictable process and you never know what might arise around the corner. So, a worthwhile break to embark upon? Sure thing.
6th February 2018
Helpful? Upvote 59
Paperback edition

How to Talk to a Widower

This is the best book I've read in ages. What a great story and even better set of characters within. I laughed out loud in several places and it's been a while since that's happened. Wholeheartedly recommended.
11th February 2018
Helpful? Upvote 35
How To Talk To A Widower (Paperback)
How To Talk To A Widower (Paperback) Jonathan Tropper
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