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You Can Be a Winning Writer: The 4 C's Approach of Successful Authors  Craft, Commitment, Community, and Confidence (Paperback)
  • You Can Be a Winning Writer: The 4 C's Approach of Successful Authors  Craft, Commitment, Community, and Confidence (Paperback)

You Can Be a Winning Writer: The 4 C's Approach of Successful Authors Craft, Commitment, Community, and Confidence (Paperback)

(author), (foreword)
Paperback 270 Pages
Published: 02/08/2018
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#1 New Release in Language & Grammar, Questions & Answers, and Editing ─ Be a Successful AuthorLearn the keys to successful authorship from a pro: Joan Gelfand, author of You Can Be a Winning Writer, has been teaching her 4 C’s approach to creative writing and successful authorship to aspiring authors at book festivals and writer’s conferences for the past decade. She has taught her 4 C’s method to college professors, CEOs, doctors, ghostwriters, poets, and playwrights throughout the United States; helping them realize their publishing dreams.

A publishing guide to writing success: From first draft to building a reputation, the 4 C’s provides solid tips on how to build a literary community and a fan base. But, successful authorship does not stop with mastering craft, commitment, and even building a community. Confidence is key, and Joan tackles this sensitive subject that keeps writers unpublished and manuscripts in the drawer. With the help of Renate Stendhal, PhD, Joan defines clear steps to overcoming the lack-of-confidence demon.

The perfect gift for writers: With a splash of humor, a dose of empathy, and plenty of support, Joan Gelfand includes real life anecdotes from famous and not so famous, but successful authors. You Can Be a Winning Writer is the go-to book for writers just starting out, for writers stalled after their first or second book, and for students. Joan’s 4 C’s wisdom and stories will inspire and encourage.

This literary reference and publishing guide includes:

Key authorship and publishing tips

Important post-publication strategies

Guidance on how to avoid mistakes that even the most talented, prize-winning authors have made

How, with the help of the 4 C’s, you can enjoy greater success

What it means to “fire on all burners” and work to develop each of the 4 C’s simultaneously

Maybe you’ve read Stephen King’s On Writing, Julia Cameron’s The Artist’s Way, Annie Lamott's Bird by Bird, or William Zinsser’s On Writing Well─now you need to read You Can Be a Winning Writer.

Publisher: Mango Media
ISBN: 9781633537422
Number of pages: 270
Dimensions: 215 x 139 mm


"Gelfand’s book examines craft, commitment, community, and confidence. She establishes the first two of her C’s as those that need to be focused on first with community and confidence as a sort of back burner element. She examines ways to help you write and debunks some of the ways that people get stalled on projects. Then as the book evolves it works to show you how you need to stay committed to your work. These major elements allow writers to grow and see the best way to begin the process. You Can Be a Winning Writer is a great work for anyone who chooses to write and no matter what the topic you might be covering this work will benefit you. Even if you are not sure if you want to start working yet or just want to see if writing is for you this book will be a big help." - Nerdy Girl Express

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