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Workforce Ecosystems: Reaching Strategic Goals with People, Partners, and Technologies (Hardback)
  • Workforce Ecosystems: Reaching Strategic Goals with People, Partners, and Technologies (Hardback)

Workforce Ecosystems: Reaching Strategic Goals with People, Partners, and Technologies (Hardback)

Hardback 248 Pages
Published: 11/04/2023
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A pioneering guide to understanding and leading workforce ecosystems, which include not only traditional employees, contractors, and gig workers, but also partner and complementor organizations that work with companies to accomplish enterprise and individual goals.

Who is your workforce? This was a simple question when most organizations focused on hiring full- and part-time employees, but now organizations engage with both internal and external collaborators including subcontractors, freelancers, app developers, marketplace sellers, and others. As technology enables new, more efficient forms of working, and roles become more project- and outcomes-based, workforces are evolving into workforce ecosystems requiring updated strategies, leadership, and management practices.

Workforce Ecosystems by Elizabeth J. Altman, David Kiron, Jeff Schwartz, and Robin Jones is an essential research-driven framework for leading these complex, interconnected workforces. Drawing on case studies, worldwide surveys, and extensive interviews with C-suite executives and senior leaders from Amazon, IBM, Mayo Clinic, NASA, Nike, Roche, Unilever, the US Army, Walmart, and others, the authors explore what workforce ecosystems are and how to navigate their unique challenges and opportunities.

Practical and field-tested, Workforce Ecosystems will prepare leaders to identify distinguishing characteristics of workforce ecosystems; take advantage of their increasing relevance as the world becomes more interconnected and technology-enabled; refine business strategies to incorporate them; focus leadership, management practices, and technologies to leverage them; and traverse the ethical, societal, and public policy considerations of workforce ecosystems.

Publisher: MIT Press Ltd
ISBN: 9780262047777
Number of pages: 248
Dimensions: 229 x 152 mm


“The value of the book, authored by scholars Elizabeth J Altman and David Kiron, and consultants Jeff Schwartz and Robin Jones, is that it provides an instructive account of the way organizations like Salesforce are thinking about their workforce ecosystems. In turn, it invites you to consider how you will choose to engage with those ecosystems in your own career. Here are four examples from the book, taken from reports about four separate organizations...A first step, though, is to absorb the ideas in Workforce Ecosystems, either on your own, or with professional friends, or a book club. This engaging book will tell you what leading thinkers on talent management strategy are saying, and help you to stand up for your career in response.”—Forbes"I highly  recommend  ‘Workforce  ecosystems’  to  practitioners,  as  it  provides  valuable  insights  into  evolving  workforce  structures  of  the  modern  world.  It  also  raises  points  that  would  ben-efit from deeper scientific inquiry, to expand beyond practical  applications.  And,  at  the  end  of  the  day,  it  offers a valuable toolkit for all those who are seeking to leverage workforce ecosystems effectively."—R&D Management “Workforce Ecosystems is a thought-provoking resource for leaders and practitioners seeking to navigate the complexities of managing workforce ecosystems. The book's exploration of ecosystem dynamics, coupled with its analysis of technology, leadership, culture, and career management, can help practitioners embrace this paradigm shift successfully.”—People Matters Global

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