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Winning With Risk Management - Financial Engineering and Risk Management 2 (Hardback)
  • Winning With Risk Management - Financial Engineering and Risk Management 2 (Hardback)

Winning With Risk Management - Financial Engineering and Risk Management 2 (Hardback)

Hardback 256 Pages
Published: 29/05/2013
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This book develops the notion that companies can succeed on the basis of risk management, much as companies compete on efficiency, costs, labor, location, and other dimensions. The reality of risk and how it impacts companies is that it is much more definite, often catastrophic and looks more like a shock. This is striking, as a difference between firms on risk different than a marginal difference in operating efficiencies, for example. Competing on Risk Management requires a discipline, a commitment to using information and recognizing shocks and then acting upon those to redistribute assets. This book will examine how leading firms that compete on risk have done this and showcase best practices and impacts to the capital structure of firms and their organizational formation.

Publisher: World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd
ISBN: 9789814383882
Number of pages: 256

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