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What Dog Knows (Paperback)
  • What Dog Knows (Paperback)

What Dog Knows (Paperback)

(author), (illustrator), (translator)
Paperback 124 Pages
Published: 01/03/2016

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When Wolf finds a fact-filled book in the library, he thinks he will at last outsmart his clever friend, Dog. The two friends spar as they learn all about mummies and skeletons; robots, knights, and pirates; dinosaurs and dragons; rockets and the moon. As always with Wolf and Dog, there is just as much to learn about getting along together; about friends and enemies, food and fleas.

Publisher: Gecko Press
ISBN: 9781776570379
Number of pages: 124
Dimensions: 210 x 148 mm


"A refreshingly unconventional mix of science and storytelling, of physical work and brain work." - Kirkus Reviews (US)

"Some topics are dished up with a slice of dark humor, but the entire book exudes a quirky charm. Spot and full-page images add to the volume’s zany presentation and make it a great choice for reluctant readers." - School Library Journal (US)

"Gecko Press always seem good at finding brilliant oddities, and for me there’s no better example than What Dog Knows. This is a wonderful, quirky book that mixes serious facts with hilarious conversation." - The Alligator’s Mouth (UK)

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