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What Architects Desire (Paperback)
  • What Architects Desire (Paperback)

What Architects Desire (Paperback)

(editor), (editor), (editor), (editor)
Paperback 369 Pages
Published: 16/08/2010

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The leitmotif of the German contribution to the 12th Architecture Biennial in Venice, "desire", is at the same time the topic of a survey among architects; answers are given through drawings. What are you longing for? The response drawings are highly individual, diversity becomes programme: both in picture language and in the presentation in terms of content, reactions are quite different. But there is one thing they all have in common: the burning desire of something concrete. Sometimes it spreads lightning-like on the observer, sometimes time is required for a contemplative involvement with form and content. The architectural sketch, as it may seem, degenerated into a side product of architectural work within the last years, is back!

Publisher: Springer Verlag GmbH
ISBN: 9783709103289
Number of pages: 369
Weight: 272 g
Dimensions: 150 x 112 x 23 mm

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