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Valdermar's Peas (Hardback)
  • Valdermar's Peas (Hardback)

Valdermar's Peas (Hardback)

(author,illustrator), (translator)
Hardback 32 Pages
Published: 01/05/2018

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Peas? No way! Valdemar may be a little wolf, but he knows what he wants. Valdemar swallows his fish sticksone, two, three. Good! But then Dad says he has to eat his peas before he can have chocolate ice cream. Peas are so good for you and give you lovely long ears! But peas are green and round and pointless, thinks Valdemar, and he already has long ears. Little sister Lin, on the other hand, eats pea after pea and soon she has an ice cream in her hand. Unfair! Until Valdemar gets an idea... He knows how to get the ice cream without eating even one little pea! Origin: Sweden

Publisher: Gecko Press
ISBN: 9781776571956
Number of pages: 32

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