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Understanding Namibia: The Trials of Independence (Paperback)
  • Understanding Namibia: The Trials of Independence (Paperback)

Understanding Namibia: The Trials of Independence (Paperback)

Paperback 240 Pages
Published: 15/12/2014
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Since independence in 1990, Namibia has witnessed only one generation with no memory of colonialism - the 'born frees', who voted in the 2009 elections. The anti-colonial liberation movement, SWAPO, dominates the political scene, effectively making Namibia a de facto one-party state dominated by the first 'struggle generation'. While those in power declare their support for a free, fair, and just society, the limits to liberation are such that emancipation from foreign rule has only been partially achieved. Despite its natural resources Namibia is among the world's most unequal societies and indicators of wellbeing have not markedly improved for many among the former colonised majority, despite a constitution enshrining human rights, social equality, and individual liberty. This book analyses the transformation of Namibian society since independence. Melber explores the achievements and failures and contrasts the narrative of a post-colonial patriotic history with the socio-economic and political realities of the nation-building project.He also investigates whether, notwithstanding the relative stability prevailing to date, the negotiation of controlled change during Namibia's decolonisation could have achieved more than simply a change of those in control.

Publisher: C Hurst & Co Publishers Ltd
ISBN: 9781849044110
Number of pages: 240
Dimensions: 216 x 138 mm


'Henning Melber has unrivalled knowledge of Namibia since independence. This significant book offers an up-to-date and thoroughgoing analysis of the country and its prospects.' - Christopher Saunders, Emeritus Professor of History at the University of Cape Town, South Africa and co-author of South Africa: A Modern History 'Henning Melber has provided us with the most substantial report on Namibia that we have had since the country became independent in 1990. A significant gap in scholarly knowledge has been filled.' - Stephen Ellis, Desmond Tutu Professor at the Free University, Amsterdam and author of External Mission: The ANC in Exile, 1960-1990; "Compelling account." - Foreign Affairs

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