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Transactional Process Management over Component Systems - Dissertations in database & information systems Vol 73 (Paperback)
  • Transactional Process Management over Component Systems - Dissertations in database & information systems Vol 73 (Paperback)

Transactional Process Management over Component Systems - Dissertations in database & information systems Vol 73 (Paperback)

Paperback 210 Pages
Published: 01/01/2001

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This text generalizes the traditional approach to concurrency control and recovery in databases and develops a critieria for transactional processes. These criteria are supported by dynamic scheduling protocols based on a cost model for process activities. The benefit of this cost model is its support for the optimization of single process executions as well as for the decision on how parallel processes can be interleaved. Transactional co-ordination agents are also introduced to addresss problems like heterogeneity and autonomy of component systems that can be found in practice. All these concepts together introduce a comprehensive framework for implementing middleware support for transactional processes.

Publisher: IOS Press
ISBN: 9781586031763
Number of pages: 210

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