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Tomcat Kick Start (Paperback)
  • Tomcat Kick Start (Paperback)

Tomcat Kick Start (Paperback)

(author), (author)
Paperback 552 Pages
Published: 20/11/2002

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Apache Jakarta Tomcat is a Java application server, the open-source equivalent to BEA's WebLogic Server. It's also the official reference implementation for Sun's JSP and Servlet technologies. As the official implementation, millions of Java developers learning JSP need instruction and practical advice about Tomcat. However, there are currently few books and limited online resources to explain the nuances of JSP development using Tomcat.

Tomcat covers Tomcat 4.0.3 and 4.1, the latest versions developed for the current JSP and Servlet specifications. The book starts with the essentials of JSP and Servlets, then explains how to install and administer the Tomcat server. Further chapters discuss how Tomcat enhances application development with tag libraries, error logging, filters and valves, and more. It includes the use of the popular Apache Struts framework and Apache Axis XML processor. Later chapters explain advanced concepts such as Tomcat security and integrating Tomcat into larger J2EE applications.

From our reviewers: "This book is immediately applicable, it doesn't waste time. It's hard to digest the many topics that are rolled into Tomcat. But the authors provide a concise treatment that doesn't get bogged down in details. The chapters are like Lego blocks on each topic that developers can use to build applications. The book is a good balance of theory and practice that will quickly get you up to speed."

-Robert Herrmann, Committer, Tomcat Project

Publisher: Pearson Education (US)
ISBN: 9780672324390
Number of pages: 552
Weight: 889 g
Dimensions: 230 x 186 x 31 mm

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