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Tiger Hills (Hardback)
  • Tiger Hills (Hardback)

Tiger Hills (Hardback)

2 Reviews Sign in to write a review
Hardback Published: 29/04/2010

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The year is 1878. As the first girl to be born to the Nachimandas in over sixty years, beautiful, spirited Devi is adored by her entire family. She befriends Devanna, a gifted young boy whose mother has died in tragic circumstances. The two quickly become inseparable, 'like two eggs in a nest', as they grow up amidst the luscious jungles, rolling hills, and rich coffee plantations of Coorg in Southern India; cocooned by an extended family whose roots have been sunk in the land for hundreds of years. Their futures seem inevitably linked, but everything changes when, one night, they attend a 'tiger wedding'. It is there that Devi gets her first glimpse of Machu, the celebrated tiger killer and a hunter of great repute. Although she is still a child and Machu is a man, Devi vows that one day she will marry him. It is this love that will gradually drive a wedge between Devi and Devanna, sowing the seed of a heartbreaking tragedy that will have consequences for the generations to come.

Publisher: Orion Publishing Co
ISBN: 9780297859819
Weight: 746 g
Dimensions: 240 x 162 x 38 mm

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“Evocative family saga”

I loved this haunting tale spanning 60 years in the life of an extended Indian family. There’s a quote on the cover describing the writing as ’sumptuously lyrical prose’ so I was a bit worried that it might be hard... More

Paperback edition
Helpful? Upvote 62

“Sumptuous indeed!”

This novel really is quite beautifully written, the descriptive prose is genuinely poetic. As I read this novel I found myself transported to the late 1870s, wistfully imagining that life under the British Colonials... More

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