There Is a God: How the World's Most Notorious Atheist Changed His Mind (Paperback)
  • There Is a God: How the World's Most Notorious Atheist Changed His Mind (Paperback)

There Is a God: How the World's Most Notorious Atheist Changed His Mind (Paperback)

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Paperback 256 Pages
Published: 15/11/2008
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A wave of modern atheists have taken center stage and brought the long-standing debate about the existence of God back into the headlines. Spearheaded by Richard Dawkins, Sam Harris, and Christopher Hitchens, this 'new atheism' has found a powerful place in today's culture wars. Although this movement has been billed as 'new,' the foundation of its argument is indebted to philosopher Antony Flew and his groundbreaking paper "Theology and Falsification," the most widely reprinted philosophical publication of the last five decades. Flew built his highly acclaimed academic career publicly debunking the existence of God. But, now the renowned philosopher has arrived at the opposite conclusion and officially joined the other side.With refreshing openness to argument and an absence of the anger and hostility that have been hallmarks of the 'new atheism,' Flew shows how his commitment to following the argument wherever it leads resulted, to his own astonishment, in his conversion to belief in a creator God. Certain to be read and discussed for years to come, "There Is a God" will forever change the debate about the existence of God.

Publisher: HarperCollins Publishers Inc
ISBN: 9780061335303
Number of pages: 256
Weight: 197 g
Dimensions: 203 x 135 x 15 mm


"A clear, accessible account of the 'pilgrimage of reason' which has led Flew to a belief in God." -- John Polkinghorne, author of Belief in God in an Age of Science "Antony Flew's book will incense atheists who suppose (erroneously) that science proves there is no God." -- Ian H. Hutchinson, Professor and Head of the Dept. of Nuclear Science and Engineering, MIT "Towering and courageous... Flew's colleagues in the church of fundamentalist atheism will be scandalized." -- Francis S. Collins, New York Times bestselling author of The Language of God "A very clear and readable book tracing his path back to theism, revealing his total openness to new rational arguments." -- Richard Swinburne, author of The Existence of God "This is a remarkable book in many ways." -- Huston Smith, author of The World's Religions "This is a fascinating and very readable account ..." -- Professor John Hick, Fellow of the Institute for Advanced Research in Arts and Social Sciences, University of Birmingham "A stellar philosophical mind ponders the latest scientific results. The conclusion: a God stands behind the rationality of nature." -- Michael Behe, author of Darwin's Black Box and The Edge of Evolution "Antony Flew not only has the philosophical virtues; he has the virtues of the philosopher. Civil in argument, relentlessly reasonable..." -- Ralph McInerny, Professor of Philosophy, University of Notre Dame "A fascinating record will come as a most uncomfortable jolt to those who were once his fellow atheists." -- Nicholas Wolterstorff, Noah Porter Professor Emeritus of Philosophical Theology, Yale University "Flew's exposition will be a source for reflective inquiry for many, many years..." -- Daniel N. Robinson, Philosophy Department, Oxford University "Flew couldn't be more engaging and remain an analytic philosopher..." -- Booklist "In clear prose and brief chapters, Flew explains the four lines of evidence that convinced him...An intellectual conversion of great significance." -- Denver Post "The most lucid and penetrative pieces of philosophical theology to appear in years, altogether brilliant." -- The Catholic Herald "A most valuable and readable overview of the many evidential changes of landscape that 20th century science is furnishing to the oldest question in Western civilization: Is there a God?" -- American Spectator

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