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The World Around Me - Look Closer (Hardback)
  • The World Around Me - Look Closer (Hardback)

The World Around Me - Look Closer (Hardback)

(author), (illustrator)
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Hardback 20 Pages
Published: 20/10/2020

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Step out your front door and begin a journey of discovery around the world! Fold out the richly illustrated pages of this expansive concertina book to clamber over mountain ranges, trek through jungles and sail across vast seas. Spot wildlife, visit amazing cities, experience different cultures and see famous landmarks as you whiz by.

With so much to explore on this globetrotting adventure, it’s a good thing the book stretches to an incredible 2.5 meters long – you’ll get halfway around the world before you even have to turn the page!

Stretch out the book's accordion-fold pages and take in the wonders of the world's cities and landmarks – traveling through over 60 countries. Then turn it over and explore the amazing diversity of creatures and landscapes on planet Earth. What can you spot on your travels?

Explore even more of the world with the critically acclaimed The Street Beneath My Feet (March 2017) and The Skies Above My Eyes (August 2018), companion books from the Look Closer series.

Publisher: Quarto Publishing PLC
ISBN: 9780711258150
Number of pages: 20
Dimensions: 350 x 320 mm


“With detailed illustrated maps and landscapes, this book is truly a visual delight.” - The Green Parent

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“Adventure book”

This is an educational children's book which has a lot of colourful graphics in it that show a fascinating journey around the world. The journey shows the wonders of the world's cities and landmarks going... More

Hardback edition
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