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The Two Lolitas (Hardback)
  • The Two Lolitas (Hardback)

The Two Lolitas (Hardback)

(author), (translator)
Hardback 112 Pages
Published: 17/10/2005

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Does it ring a bell? The first-person narrator, a cultivated man of middle age, looks back on the story of an amour fou. It all starts when, traveling abroad, he takes a room as a lodger. The moment he sees the daughter of the house, he is lost. She is a pre-teen, whose charms instantly enslave him. Heedless of her age, he becomes intimate with her. In the end she dies, and the narratormarked by her foreverremains alone. The name of the girl supplies the title of the story: Lolita.

We know the girl and her story, and we know the title. But the author was Heinz von Eschwege, whose tale of Lolita appeared in 1916 under the pseudonym Heinz von Lichberg, forty years before Nabokov's celebrated novel took the world by storm. Von Lichberg later became a prominent journalist in the Nazi era, and his youthful work faded from view. The Two Lolitas uncovers a remarkable series of parallels between the two works and their authors - too many to make coincidence the most likely explanation. How did Vladimir Nabokov know of von Lichberg's long out-of-print tale? And why would he, the grand master of reference, want to draw our attention to such an unremarkable author?

Prefaced by best-selling German novelist Daniel Kehlmann, Maar's extraordinary literary detective story, casts new light on the making of one of the most influential works of the twentieth century. This new edition includes an interview with the author, conducted by Kehlmann, in which Maar reveals that since writing the book, he has unveiled what might be the final piece of the puzzle.

Publisher: Verso Books
ISBN: 9781844670383
Number of pages: 112
Weight: 259 g
Dimensions: 198 x 142 x 15 mm


Germany's most gifted literary critic of the younger generation. - London Review of Books

Michael Maar is a fine literary sleuth, and his discovery of what may be an ur-Lolita means we will never again look on Nabokov's masterpeice in quite the old light. - John Banville, Man Booker Prize Winner 2005

Maar's discovery is so astonishing that you would need to have firmly opted for ignorance to maintain it was unimportant - Daniel Kehlmann, from the introduction

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