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The Shore (Hardback)
  • The Shore (Hardback)

The Shore (Hardback)

Hardback 320 Pages
Published: 19/03/2015

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SHORTLISTED FOR THE GUARDIAN FIRST BOOK AWARD 2015 SHORTLISTED FOR THE SUNDAY TIMES/PETERS FRASER & DUNLOP YOUNG WRITER OF THE YEAR AWARD LONGLISTED FOR THE BAILEYS WOMEN'S PRIZE FOR FICTION 2015 The Shore. A collection of small islands sticking out from the coast of Virginia into the Atlantic Ocean that has been home to generations of fierce and resilient women. Sanctuary to some but nightmare to others, it's a place they've inhabited, fled, and returned to for hundreds of years. From a brave girl's determination to protect her younger sister as methamphetamine ravages their family, to a lesson in summoning storm clouds to help end a drought, these women struggle against domestic violence, savage wilderness, and the corrosive effects of poverty and addiction to secure a sense of well-being for themselves and for those they love. Their interconnecting stories form a deeply affecting legacy of two island families, illuminating the small miracles and miseries of a community of outsiders, and the bonds of blood and fate that connect them all. Dreamlike and yet impossibly real, profound and playful, The Shore is a richly unique, breathtakingly ambitious and accomplished debut novel by a young writer of astonishing gifts.

Publisher: Cornerstone
ISBN: 9780434023097
Number of pages: 320
Weight: 498 g
Dimensions: 222 x 144 x 30 mm

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“A compulsive read”

Drawn in by the glorious cover art, with its mixture of artistry and sly humour, I was delighted to find Sara Taylor’s writing matched the jacket.
The Shore combines the intensity and varied perspectives of a short... More

Hardback edition
Helpful? Upvote 98
Leilah at Doncaster

“Audacious and unmissable.”

This book is unlike anything I’ve read. Spanning the fates of two interconnected families over 170 years in the quiet isolation of their east coast island home, it is both brutal and beautiful, faintly dreamlike (or... More

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“A Seriously Good Book”

This is a seriously good book that demands your full attention. You will be rewarded with pages of mesmerising stories and memorable characters. It blew me away and it will certainly end up being one of my favourite... More

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