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The Secret Book of Sacred Things (Paperback)
  • The Secret Book of Sacred Things (Paperback)

The Secret Book of Sacred Things (Paperback)

Paperback 304 Pages
Published: 01/02/2012

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The coming of the Great Stone destroyed almost everything that used to be. But high in one remote valley, the Church of Selene has found its way back from ruin. Sister Luka and her female converts offer sacrifices to the scarred (and very close) moon that hangs over their convent. It has been this way since the Stone hit.

Among the Little Sisters of Selene is twelve year-old Aurora, respected Scribe of the church. She endlessly writes down the name of the moon to keep her in the sky where she belongs. But Aurora has a secret book she keeps hidden in her Scribe's chamber and into this diary she pours out her hopes and desires.

Upsetting this fragile equilibrium is Willa, a young tomboy whose flamboyant arrival threatens the hard-won status quo of the sisters' community. As Aurora and Willa inch toward friendship, insurrection grows. But when an unexpected marvel occurs in the sky, it is clear that Aurora's work as the Scribe has failed. The moon is threatening to remake the world all over again...

This is The Secret Book of Sacred Things, this is Aurora's story.

Publisher: Atlantic Books
ISBN: 9781843545798
Number of pages: 304
Weight: 419 g
Dimensions: 234 x 156 x 23 mm
Edition: Main

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