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The Quick (Hardback)
  • The Quick (Hardback)

The Quick (Hardback)

Hardback 528 Pages
Published: 03/04/2014

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You are about to discover the secrets of The Quick - But first you must travel to Victorian Yorkshire, and there, on a remote country estate, meet a brother and sister alone in the world and bound by tragedy. In time, you will enter the rooms of London's mysterious Aegolius Club - a society of some of the richest, most powerful men in fin-de-siecle England. And at some point - we cannot say when - these worlds will collide. It is then, and only then, that a new world emerges, one of romance, adventure and the most delicious of horrors - and the secrets of The Quick are revealed.

Publisher: Vintage Publishing
ISBN: 9780224096386
Number of pages: 528
Weight: 870 g
Dimensions: 243 x 162 x 46 mm

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