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The Psychology of Language: From Data to Theory (Hardback)
  • The Psychology of Language: From Data to Theory (Hardback)

The Psychology of Language: From Data to Theory (Hardback)

Hardback Published: 03/12/2007
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The Psychology of Language is a thorough revision and update of the popular second edition. It contains everything the student needs to know about the psychology of language, including how we acquire, understand, produce, and store language. The third edition contains new chapters on how children learn to read, and how language is used in everyday settings. It also describes recent research on the impact of new techniques of brain imaging. The text is comprehensive and written in a lively and accessible style. It covers all the main topics in this complex field, focusing on reading, writing, speaking, and listening in both adult and child language. There is an emphasis on language processing as well as language production and coverage of the social basis of language. The text covers recent connectionist models of language, describing complex ideas in a clear and approachable manner. Following a strong developmental theme, the text describes how children acquire language (sometimes more than one), and also how they learn to read. The Psychology of Language also demonstrates how language is related to the brain and to other aspects of cognition. The Psychology of Language assumes no prior knowledge other than a grounding in the basic concepts of cognitive psychology. This third edition of this bestselling textbook will be essential reading for any student of cognition, psycholinguistics or the psychology of language. It will also be useful for those on speech and language therapy courses.

Publisher: Taylor & Francis Ltd
ISBN: 9781841693811
Weight: 1338 g
Dimensions: 246 x 189 x 30 mm
Edition: 3rd Revised edition

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