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The New Social Work Practice: Exercises and Activities for Training and Developing Social Workers - Routledge Revivals (Hardback)
  • The New Social Work Practice: Exercises and Activities for Training and Developing Social Workers - Routledge Revivals (Hardback)

The New Social Work Practice: Exercises and Activities for Training and Developing Social Workers - Routledge Revivals (Hardback)

(author), (author)
Hardback 280 Pages
Published: 05/06/2019
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First published in 1998, this book is a fully revised and updated edition of Social Work Practice, first published in 1993 as a training manual.

The New Social Work Practice presents a comprehensive view of contemporary social work. Whether it be general or specialist practice, care and control or power and oppression, these central issues and recurring themes are given a topical treatment. Changes in core aspects of social work are fully explored in lively and realistic ways, combining the essence of good practice with current organizational demands.

The aim of the original workbook remains intact: to guide and stimulate learning about social work practice. The book achieves this purpose by presenting various aspects of social work using different settings and contexts. New and revised activities are included to promote discussion, understanding, learning and better practice. Taken toether, the topics and themes in the book define the essential elements of a curriculum for social work practice.

Publisher: Taylor & Francis Ltd
ISBN: 9780367147532
Number of pages: 280
Weight: 640 g
Dimensions: 246 x 174 mm

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