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The Human Face of the European Union: Are EU Law and Policy Humane Enough? (Paperback)
  • The Human Face of the European Union: Are EU Law and Policy Humane Enough? (Paperback)

The Human Face of the European Union: Are EU Law and Policy Humane Enough? (Paperback)

(editor), (editor)
Paperback 446 Pages
Published: 13/12/2018
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This collection asks a direct but complex question: is the EU humane enough? The implementation of EU law and policy and its balance between economic and social values continues to provoke debate. Providing fresh insight, Nuno Ferreira and Dora Kostakopoulou present a novel analytical framework, centred on the notion of humaneness, for assessing EU law and policy. This innovative approach leads to recommendations for policy change towards a more humanistic philosophy for the EU. Broad in its scope, this remarkable volume draws together interdisciplinary perspectives from contributors who examine key EU law and policy fields, including economic integration, asylum and free movement, citizenship and development, and security. This book is essential reading for scholars, students and policy-makers seeking new ways of exploring the economic versus social values debate in EU law.

Publisher: Cambridge University Press
ISBN: 9781107434264
Number of pages: 446
Weight: 640 g
Dimensions: 229 x 151 x 23 mm

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