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The Guggenheim Mystery (Hardback)
  • The Guggenheim Mystery (Hardback)

The Guggenheim Mystery (Hardback)

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Hardback 320 Pages
Published: 03/08/2017

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My name is Ted Spark. I am 12 days and 281 days old. I have seven friends.
Three months ago, I solved the mystery of how my cousin Salim disappeared on a pod on the London Eye.
This is the story of my second mystery.

This summer, I went on holiday to New York, to visit Aunt Gloria and Salim. While I was there, a painting was stolen from the Guggenheim Museum, where Aunt Gloria works.

Everyone was very worried and upset. I did not see what the problem was. I do not see the point of paintings, even if they are worth £9.8 million. Perhaps that's because of my very unusual brain, which works on a different operating system to everyone else's.

But then Aunt Gloria was blamed for the theft - and Aunt Gloria is family. And I realised just how important it was to find the painting, and discover who really had taken it.

Award-winning author Siobhan Dowd wrote a number of bestselling novels including Bog Child and A Swift Pure Cry but sadly died before writing the follow-up to her novel The London Eye Mystery, leaving behind just the title to indicate the story she had in mind. Now, bestselling author Robin Stevens, author of the Murder Most Unladylike series, takes up the baton on behalf of The Siobhan Dowd Trust to create The Guggenheim Mystery.

Publisher: Penguin Random House Children's UK
ISBN: 9780141377025
Number of pages: 320
Weight: 388 g
Dimensions: 204 x 147 x 31 mm

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“A great follow-up to one of my all time favourites!”

Hats off to Robin Stevens - she has achieved the impossible by writing a more than worthy sequel to the marvellous London Eye Mystery by the much missed Siobhan Dowd. Siobhan's main character Ted Spark, who... More

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Emma Smith at Bedford

“Delightful and entertaining”

I loved this book! It was wonderful. I am a ginormous Robin Stevens fan, her series Murder Most Unladylike is one I just adore reading and I always look forward to the new Wells and Wong mystery. With ‘The Guggenheim... More

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