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The Greatest Crash: How contradictory policies are sinking the global economy (Paperback)
  • The Greatest Crash: How contradictory policies are sinking the global economy (Paperback)

The Greatest Crash: How contradictory policies are sinking the global economy (Paperback)

Paperback 192 Pages
Published: 01/11/2011
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"Radical thinkers might have a point" - Financial Times
The Greatest Crash argues that the financial system which evolved from the early Italian bankers has now reached a roadblock. The weight of debt already created prevents further economic expansion, while paying down the debt shrinks economies. To escape this trap, evolution is needed. But bureaucratic design, delegated government, and group think, all combine to prevent evolution.

Publisher: Sparkling Books Ltd
ISBN: 9781907230318
Number of pages: 192
Weight: 292 g
Dimensions: 218 x 140 x 14 mm

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