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The Friar of Carcassonne: Revolt Against the Inquisition in the Last Days of the Cathars (Hardback)
  • The Friar of Carcassonne: Revolt Against the Inquisition in the Last Days of the Cathars (Hardback)

The Friar of Carcassonne: Revolt Against the Inquisition in the Last Days of the Cathars (Hardback)

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Hardback Published: 25/08/2011

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Secret tribunals, illegal rendition, torture, trumped up charges...all in a society controlled by fear. Such was the tenor of life in Languedoc around 1300. The dungeons housed hundreds of despairing innocents. The charge - heresy. Nearly a century had passed since Languedoc had been put to the sword in the Albigensian Crusade, but the stain of Catharism still lay on the land. Any accusation of Catharism invited peril. But repression bred resentment and it was in Carcassonne that resistance began to stir. In 1300, a great orator emerged who brought together the currents of resistance. Three years later the terrible prisons were stormed and the inmates set free. The orator was a Franciscan friar, Bernard Delicieux. The forces ranged against Delicieux included the ruthless Pope Boniface VII, the Machiavellian French King Philip IV and the grand inquisitor of Toulouse Bernard Gui (the villain of "The Name of the Rose"). This magnificent book, which forms a kind of sequel to Stephen O'Shea's bestselling "The Perfect Heresy", tells his inspiring life and tragic story.

Publisher: Profile Books Ltd
ISBN: 9781846683190
Weight: 504 g
Dimensions: 222 x 144 x 30 mm

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“Rebellion and The Inquisition”

This is a really interesting story of a very little known historical figure. 'The Friar ...' is a charismatic and rebellious monk who tried to break the grip of the vastly unpopular inquisition in his town,... More

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