Since it was first published in 1950, "The Councillor" has been the best available guide to the duties and responsibilities of the elected council member. Areas of particular attention are: the structure of local government; the relationship between local and central government; the status, conduct and privileges of councilors; the procedure at council meetings, on committees and representation on other bodies; claims for allowances; the officers of the local authority and their role. This new edition has been substantially updated to take account of the latest legislation and practice.
The main changes are: new rules relating to members' allowances (Local Government Act 2000); re-casting of the capital finance regime (Part 1 of the Local Government Act 2003); putting the Auditor General for Wales in charge of the auditing of local government accounts (Public Audit (Wales) Act 2004); the establishment of a public services ombudsman for Wales (Public Services Ombudsman (Wales) Act 2005); and, miscellaneous changes to: structural and boundary arrangements in England, electoral arrangements, executive arrangements, parish government, co-operation between English local authorities, byelaws, best value, audit, ethical standards (Local Government and Public Involvement in Health Act 2007). Prospective, new and existing councilors will find the book invaluable.
Publisher: Sweet & Maxwell Ltd
ISBN: 9780721908540
Number of pages: 272
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