'A beautiful little book in every way ... Lyrical and eye-catching on the one hand, informative on the other, their work encourages us to look more closely at the nature around us ... A treasure of a book' House & Garden
The perfect countryside and armchair companion to the wild flowers of the British Isles.
Illustrator Angie Lewin and author Christopher Stocks follow up the success of The Book of Pebbles with The Book of Wild Flowers, a celebration of British wild flowers and their place in the landscape.
Christopher Stocks explores their beguiling and sometimes peculiar history, and reveals some of the best places to see them, as well as the conditions in which they thrive. The book focuses on around 21 of Lewin's favourite wild flowers, and include reproductions of her paintings and illustrations, many of them created specially for the book.
Sustaining our long-held affection for the British countryside, The Book of Wild Flowers will appeal to anyone who loves British wild flowers, as well as fans of Angie Lewin, who is widely admired for her alluring images of the natural world.
Publisher: Thames & Hudson Ltd
ISBN: 9780500027066
Number of pages: 136
Weight: 440 g
Dimensions: 210 x 148 mm
'A beautiful little book in every way ... Lyrical and eye-catching on the one hand, informative on the other, their work encourages us to look more closely at the nature around us ... A treasure of a book' - House & Garden
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