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The Artist's Way: A Course in Discovering and Recovering Your Creative Self (Paperback)
  • The Artist's Way: A Course in Discovering and Recovering Your Creative Self (Paperback)

The Artist's Way: A Course in Discovering and Recovering Your Creative Self (Paperback)

Paperback 224 Pages
Published: 03/11/2016

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'Fascinating . . . I really love this . . . Three times in the last decade I've committed to doing The Artist's Way's program, and each time I've learned something important and surprising about myself and my work . . . Without The Artist's Way, there would have been no Eat, Pray, Love.' - Elizabeth Gilbert

The Artist's Way
by Julia Cameron provides a twelve-week course that guides you through the process of recovering your creative self. It aims to dispel the 'I'm not talented enough' conditioning that holds many people back and helps you to unleash your own inner artist. Its step-by-step approach enables you to transform your life, overcome any artistic blocks you may suffer from, including limiting beliefs, fear, sabotage, jealousy and guilt, and replace them with self confidence and productivity. The Artist's Way will demystify the creative process by making it a part of your daily life.

From Alicia Keys to Elizabeth Gilbert, Patricia Cornwell to Pete Townshend and Russell Brand, The Artist's Way has helped thousands of people around the world to discover their inner artist. Whatever your artistic leanings, this book will give you the tools you need to enable you to fulfil your dreams.

Publisher: Pan Macmillan
ISBN: 9781509829477
Number of pages: 224
Weight: 391 g
Dimensions: 228 x 185 x 19 mm

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