The Art of War (Paperback)
Ralph D. Sawyer (author,translator), Tzu Sun (author,translator)Published: 11/02/1994
The Art of War is almost certainly the most famous study of strategy ever written and has had an extraordinary influence on the history of warfare. The principles Sun-tzu expounded were utilized brilliantly by such great Asian war leaders as Mao Tse-tung, Giap, and Yamamoto. First translated two hundred years ago by a French missionary, Sun-tzu's Art of War has been credited with influencing Napoleon, the German General Staff, and even the planning for Desert Storm. Many Japanese companies make this book required reading for their key executives. And increasingly, Western businesspeople and others are turning to the Art of War for inspiration and advice on how to succeed in competitive situations of all kinds. Unlike most editions of Sun-tzu currently available (many simply retreads of older, flawed translations), this superb new translation makes use of the best available classical Chinese manuscripts, including the ancient"tomb text” version discovered by archaeologists at Linyi, China. Ralph Sawyer, an outstanding Western scholar of ancient Chinese warfare and a successful businessman in his own right, places this classic work of strategy in its proper historical context. Sawyer supplies a portrait of Sun-tzu's era and outlines several battles of the period that may have either influenced Sun-tzu or been conducted by him. While appreciative of the philosophical richness of the Art of War , this edition stresses Sun-tzu's practical origins and presents a translation that is both accurate and accessible.
Publisher: Basic Books
ISBN: 9780813319513
Number of pages: 384
Weight: 340 g
Dimensions: 208 x 136 x 28 mm
Robert L. O'Connell, author of Arms and Men: A History of Warm Weapons, and Aggression "A tour de force. Sawyer puts this most famous of the classic Chinese military writings into context and shows that Sun-tzu was not just a solitary genius, but the product of a remarkably rich martial culture." Robin D.S. Yates, Burlington Northern Professor of Asian Studies, Dartmouth College "I am convinced that this translation...will prove to be the definitive edition for many years to come." Arther Ferrill, author of The Origins of War: From the Stone Age to Alexander the Great "Fills a serious gap for anyone interested in the history of ancient warfare...a fascinating book."
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“Don't buy”
There are many versions of The Art of War available. I wanted only Tsun Tzu's sayings. Too much filling from the author and one third of the book occupied by the sayings of Wu Shu (should have been shown in the... More
“I recommend this book”
This book is a must-have for anyone looking to acquire a different view of the world around them. The introduction to the Maxims of Sun Tzu gives the reader context and helps to correlate the teachings into our... More
“A great contribution to The Art of War literature”
Accessible and lucid writing that puts new light, both historical and philosophical, on The Art of War. A worth addition to one's library.
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