Terra Ultima: The discovery of a new continent (Hardback)
  • Terra Ultima: The discovery of a new continent (Hardback)

Terra Ultima: The discovery of a new continent (Hardback)

(author,illustrator), (translator)
Hardback 80 Pages
Published: 31/08/2023
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To most of us, the world in which we live seems well-traversed - explored in all directions and meticulously mapped. But something unbelievable has escaped us all... an entire continent named Terra Ultima. This extraordinary book documents this strange new world for the very first time.

A visual sensation over a decade in the making, Terra Ultima is the life work of explorer Raoul Deleo. With the help of fellow explorer and biologist Noah J. Stern, Deleo's findings were compiled into this very book - a collection of illustrations and notes so wonderful they seem unbelievable. All of them bear witness to the discovery of a continent so large, so rich and diverse in wildlife, that it remains a mystery as to why it has never been discovered before.

Deleo's findings have now been made public for the very first time, so you too, dear reader, can share in the discovery of this previously unknown part of the world. Welcome to Terra Ultima - the edge of the world.

Publisher: Templar Publishing
ISBN: 9781800786240
Number of pages: 80
Weight: 1060 g
Dimensions: 376 x 25 x 14 mm


This extraordinary book explores a new continent - Terra Ultima [...] it's a wonderfully executed flight of fantasy. - Absolutely Education

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“Absolutely Wondrous”

A fabulously detailed phantasmagoria of the make-believe! Terra Ultima is a visual fantasy feast for all ages, it's written and displayed in such a way that you feel like you're flicking through the pages of... More

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“An incredible visual feast of a book.”

This gorgeous large format book mixes up mystery, exploration, imagination and the most incredible artwork. What if someone discovered a completely new continent? What might that look like? What might they find? What... More

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