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Techniques of Close Reading (Paperback)
  • Techniques of Close Reading (Paperback)

Techniques of Close Reading (Paperback)

Paperback 152 Pages
Published: 08/12/2009

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Techniques of Close Reading is a brief, supplemental text that trains students in an ability to see what texts--be they written, oral, visual, or mediated--may be saying. Renown scholar and teacher Barry Brummett explains and explores the various ways to "read" messages (speeches, cartoons, magazine ads, etc.), teaching students the ability to see deeper levels of meaning and to share those insights with others.

Techniques of Close Reading differs from other books in rhetorical criticism, textual analysis, or critical thinking by:

- Focusing on the act and techniques of criticism rather than on schools of thought, grand theories, and specific methods, thus helping students to engage in the act of critical close reading in ways that are congenial to a wide range of methods (for that reason, it is highly adaptable to other texts currently in use that are focused on specific methods)

- Explaining the relationships among theory, methods, and techniques of rhetorical criticism

- Examining the ethics and risk of doing and reading rhetorical criticism via plenty of examples, figures, and exercises taken from everyday life

Publisher: SAGE Publications Inc
ISBN: 9781412972659
Number of pages: 152
Weight: 260 g
Dimensions: 228 x 152 x 5 mm

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