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Tanks & Military Vehicles - Mini Expert Guides (Paperback)
  • Tanks & Military Vehicles - Mini Expert Guides (Paperback)

Tanks & Military Vehicles - Mini Expert Guides (Paperback)

Paperback 320 Pages
Published: 14/11/2021
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From the crude, unreliable tanks that first appeared on the Western Front during World War I to today’s high-tech machines, Tanks and Military Vehicles features 300 of the most important and influential tanks and AFVs from 1916 to the present day. With a page per entry, each vehicle is illustrated by a full-colour side-profile artwork, and accompanied by a detailed specifications table giving country of origin, crew, weight, dimensions, armour, armament, powerplant, and performance, all measurements in imperial and metric. In addition, there is accompanying text for each vehicle that summarises the vehicle’s development and service history. Arranged by type from main battle tanks to tank destroyers to armoured cars, amphibious vehicles and anti-aircraft guns, Tanks and Military Vehicles ranges from the Mark V Male to the Tiger, Sherman and T-34 and on up to the M1 Abrams, Challenger and Warrior of today. Presented in a handy, pocket-book format, Tanks and Military Vehicles is colourful, packed with information and offers a great insight into the development of land warfare over the past century.

Publisher: Amber Books Ltd
ISBN: 9781782747062
Number of pages: 320
Weight: 544 g
Dimensions: 167 x 125 x 26 mm

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