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Superteam Handbook: A Mutants & Masterminds Sourcebook (Hardback)
  • Superteam Handbook: A Mutants & Masterminds Sourcebook (Hardback)

Superteam Handbook: A Mutants & Masterminds Sourcebook (Hardback)

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Hardback 160 Pages
Published: 29/10/2019
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The Superteam Handbook puts the focus on the

heroes and their team, with details for players and gamemasters alike

to make their team cohesive, dramatic, and fun! Heroes can work

closer together than ever before with new, team-focused powers,

advantages, and attack options. Eight pre-made hero teams—ranging

from PL 5 to PL 12—serve as campaign-kickstarters, with

guidelines, resources, and advice for running a variety of heroic

campaigns, along with background and statblocks for their members to

use as player characters, rivals, or villains. Will you save the

planet as part of the globe-hopping UNIQUE, battle to keep the

streets safe as one of the street-brawling Ferroburg Four, or take on

ancient aliens from the cockpit of your own giant robot as a member

of MagnaForce? Whatever you choose, be stronger than the sum of


Publisher: Green Ronin Publishing
ISBN: 9781934547939
Number of pages: 160
Weight: 730 g
Dimensions: 279 x 178 x 25 mm

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